Hey moms, we know that entering motherhood is a big step. You must be dealing with heart-throbbing issues, your body is trying to heal from childbirth, you are exhausting yourself day and night to give your child all the nourishment and care you can. We know the first few weeks are the hardest. I have received numerous inquiries in my mail where mothers are really worried about their milk supply. The first thing that I would like to clarify is that most women have enough milk supply, the more you put pressure on yourself, the more you make things harder. You need to trust your body and your instincts. If the baby is crying more then there might be several other reasons for that. Second, if your baby has enough wet diapers, is getting enough sleep and is nursing well, then there is no need to worry, you are doing a great job.
However, if you suspect that there is something wrong, please consult a health care provider or a lactation consultant. They know better how to deal with this situation. To help you out better here I have listed 5 Simple and Effective Ways That Can Help You Increase Your Milk Supply.
1. Nurse on Demand and Not By The Clock
Your milk supply is based on supply and demand. The more your baby nurses, the more milk you’ll produce (theoretically). Let your baby nurse on demand when you’re building your supply, and your body should respond by boosting milk production.
Suckling stimulates the production of milk in the mammary glands. The more a baby feeds, the more milk is produced by the mother's breasts. Milk flow slows down when a baby suckles less often.
2. Galactagogues
To be honest, there is no magic food that will suddenly boost your milk supply, but these foods may help by giving you the right amount of vitamins to fuel your body and increase breast milk. After all, everything can be set right by a good diet.
Fennel Seeds
Fenugreek Seeds
Cumin Seeds
Green Leafy Vegetables